finally crack FIFA 15 comming soon : 3DM team to announce he was able to penetrate the digital protection Denuvo

Chinese hacker team was able to penetrate the 3DM Denuvo protection program after much effort that used by EA and CI Games titles in some games Alkhesbh by a Lords of the Fallen, FIFA 15 and Dragon Age: Inquisition It is worth mentioning that these games were for a long time was not "crack" industry has given the program a digital protection Denuvo marked by a high level of immunity code, but this did not prevent the 3DM team to penetrate this immunity program by finding a loophole through which the fake codes allow encryption activate the game, even if the game were not possess The team said that the result of this action came after 15 days of hard work and tired team and confirmed that he will be issued to crack games mentioned at the top soon


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